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[[start column]]
1 Higgins
2 Hale
3 Beal Prendergast
3 Hubbell
8 Griffin
6 Jean Oliver..^[[insert]] and Wertheimer came in to the gallery.  Why the portrait didn't look like him at all."  Higgins was just finishing eating a veal pie at the Seiman cafe, 32d Av & 34. St.  It was at E 32 Ted and he said "Nobody will come here now the war is on 'cause its run by a German."[[/insert]]
7 [[Brandeis?]]
8 Brillan
9 Luks
10 Dickinson
11 Amy Londoner.

[[end column]]
[[start column]]

12 Paul [[Barthelt?]]
13 Marie Apel
14 [[Makaui?]] Young
15 Gastone I. . . 

 Amy Londoner  Hotel Endicott
            Schuyler 8300
     Library.* Has two* large canvases of this theme & several smaller ones.  All very good also a large concert at Stadium of NY University.  Teresa as usual in good mood. [[underline]] remarkable creature[[/underline]]. Plan to see Amy Londoner [[bronce?]]  We meet Kress at Thompson and take him down to the Cerum to see Higgins.  Find H & we [[look?]] at his new Things  then out to Cafe while Higgins eats then to return for drink Then up 4th Av to see the War pictures and then to Thompsons for midnight lunch. Higgins says he 

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[[start page]]


1 Higgins            1 Davidson
2 Hale       M Young 2 James [[Brush?]].
3 Brandegee          3 Mari Apel 
4 Berstein     ^[[insert]] Higgins says "Do Sargents portraits look like the people?" I tell him what Ruth von Schallog said about their being put in the attic by people she knew because they didn't look like them" [[strikethrough]] Hig [[strikethrough]] Higgins then says "I was in the Salon when that portrait of the Jew *Wertheimer was exhibited (back to p 45)
5 [[Z?]]
6 Luks
7 Prendergast
8 Glackens

took a trip to Pa. this summer & called on Redfield and Dan Garber.  Says Garber is a jolly host Throws around The vegetables saying - "Have a potato  have an onion" Higgins  says "I can't see his paintings at all but he's a nice feller."  Higgins says he hasn't sold all summer but yet is getting fat  Higgins says he met Dickinson up from the South & D said the army turned him down for underweight and weak heart. 

Wednesday 16 Oct. noon at Teresas & call with her at Lineda Arcade on Amy Londoner who is overjoyed at being asked to show.  seems discouraged  says Sloan praised her work & Henri but remains for us to show it -- Stop at Gallery on 57th

Transcription Notes:
I think #4 may be "Bernstein" (letter left out) or "Berstein", a name that's come up a few other places in the diary.--M Luks (#6)comes up here and there: Capital G often looks like an E, as in Garber here.--M His "e" often looks like either an "s" or a "z", like in the word "veal" above.--thomasc Here is the Wiki entry on Amy Londoner: