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St near Carnegie & young Jewish girl new at the business asks many suggestions as I propose Art News card.  Good place [[strikeout]] [[illegible]] [[/strikeout]] to show.   Grey wall street level.  fair light.  I suggest a show of Higgins.  She is very inclined  Will see her again.
Eve meet Kress at Thompsons.

Thursday 17 Oct Stop at Marie Apels, at noon doing my article on her for the "Studio"  She likes it.  Makes tea and when I go at six asks me to come back to have dinner with her.  Quite insistent but I have to decline.  Stop at Art News & Mrs. Lever says she heard McBride is in France & not writing the art criticism for the Sun & she wants me to have it.  Says she'll write the "Marquis de Fontenoy" Coulette-Owen "[[Velirae?]] Diplomat" etc & have him pave the way for me as he is an old diplomat of Britain & a long standing contributor to Eve Sun.  James & others good.  Mrs. L gave me English book on anatomy [[strikeout]] to [[/strikeout]] to review.  Take it over to Thompsons and look it over while I have lunch.  Then back with it to office & write a short review.  Over to T's  do not find Kress so go home to bed.

Friday 18 Oct. Over to Art News at 4.30 after stopping at National Arts to see new Blakelocks 3 little things 2 moonlights & a sunrise small & very clever - little flatter & simpler than his old work but very nice indeed.- At Art News find Bourdoin and Altman.  Bourdoin salutes me and hands me a fresh copy

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^ Propose for my things with Eclectics
[[Mars?]] 1918 - 
The Volunteer Warrior
Portrait McB [[Sm?]] chair Lever
Portrait Anne [[Hennessey?]] "The Girl in Black."
Friday The Thirteenth - Pershing At San Michael
     X         x

   of the paper just out, with a bow saying "That's a very nice article of yours on that book about Duveneck."  Mrs. Lever comes in and we all banter Bourdoin a little about Jane Peterson.  Bourdoin says he was in Worcester in June for three days and stayed at Jane's house.  Says something about Jane's explanation of the hanging of my "Widow".  Says [[Detwille?]] is giving up Brooklyn studio & will stay in Newark this winter as finds keeping 2 places too expensive.  Mrs. Lever gives me my check for the copy this week.  Says Townsend was glad to get my review of the English book on anatomy.  Meet Christian Brinton for first time.  He comes in with his Russian artist Boris [[strikeout]] Adel [[/strikeout]] Anisfeld.  Brinton says he's been mistaken for me often as I say I've been mistaken for him he says - "The name was probably the same, came
from the same source."  Says it's "mutually complimentary to be mistaken for one & other."  Really.  [[strikethrough]]I tell[[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Frank Duveneck: Also, the lists of names at the beginning of the diary can help to figure out some of the names. Here is the Wiki entry for Ralph Albert Blakelock: Here is information from the Frick on Christian Brinton: