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alone.  Take him into other galleries to see the American paintings most of which look pretty bad in contrast to his.  He admires the Copley Mrs Ben Davis & the Ryders very much.  His views expressed with nods shrugs & rhapsodies I've written for this week's "Art News".  Back to Art News office to write my article.  Townsend yells for it & we have a tilt.  Finally get it off. 

Thursday 24 Oct  note from Carol saying she'll be in New York tomorrow.  Call on Marie Apel and she puts my article about her in Type on her typewriter while I play the piano.  Have tea with her. 

Friday 25 Oct meet Carol & the children at 3.  Carol looking very nice in dark coat and hat.  Go down to the room I found this a.m. 140 W 11 recommended by Mrs. Pughe Then back to Art News to get a paper & my check.

Saturday 26 Oct  over to Nans to cash check find her gone to New Haven.  Stop at Art News PM.  Find Mrs Lever in.  also Townsend.  Give him copy on Anisfeld's views of Americans.  Townsend has been vaccinated against influenza.  Mrs. Lever says "He's scared to death.  He's such an abject coward.  He inoculates himself for protection but would never think of protecting his daughter in the same way."  T on going out grows quite cheerful and reads the preface to his autobiography just written.  He calls it "My Busy Yesterday."  He chuckles over it  I tell him I must do charcoal portrait of 

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him for frontispiece.  Mrs. Lever says Oh yes you must"  very much pleased while Townsend beams.  Return very late.  Carol and kids asleep.  Find the most beautiful spot

Sunday 27 Oct over to Brooklyn again to write  John Cooney comes in his uniform wants to know if I want to ride in his army automobile  whirl around Brooklyn & he leaves me at Bay Ridge station of 4th ave subway.  Find the sub a death trap  cars jammed with people and the stink insufferable.  Get out a wrong station & get into frightful catacomb labyrinth smell deadly water running in the tracks and trickling down the walls  Dingy looking people waiting  chloride of lime mixed with damp to keep away the plague - frightful hole - finally a [[strikethrough] tram [[/strikethrough]] train comes.  In Library a little man hails me "How do you do Mr Britton" & I see Walkowitz with a young Jewish girl.  Says he's at W Union Square. w ants me to [[strikethrough]]come[[/strikethrough]] come in to see him.

Monday 28 Oct  Over to Brooklyn  Nan not back.  Call at Theresa Bernsteins at 430 to arrange ex of N.Y. Painter [[Enavers?]] Club 
[[doodle of a woman made around ink blot]] Invitation Exhibition
at Mussinans Gallery.  Theresa tells me of her engagement very quietly -