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Wednesday 4 Dec  See Salmagundi E. for Art Mews  Meet Eiles in parlour.  On to Marie Apels hour lunch and play some Haydn symphonies with Geiger who comes in and rants about his method of teaching music by voice rather piano - "the lyrics line" I say & he says yes.  We play the Symphonie Funebre and he chopps out the Allegro at terrific pace and the slow movement perfunctorily - As he sits down he says they all say the same thing to him.  I give him hell & tell him he does not get them - that he didn't play them - that he couldn't the first time.  Marie is vastly amused at the breakneck speed of the allegros.  Tell Geiger I'll do charcoal head of him.  He's strong for it & we say Saturday.  Up to Art News in Eve.  Mrs Lever says Townsend is anxious that I think well of him and that I continue with the paper - Good.  Also that he says [[strikethrough]] he h [[/strikethrough]] he has something of great interest to tell me. 

Thursday 5 Dec  PM return from Brooklyn

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get in to see Henri pastels at Montross.  Gregg of Herald comes in & Montross makes a perfect monkey of himself going round with cigars & lighting matches for them for us.
   Stop in with Gregg to Knoedlers to see Gerome Brushs things but find they're gone.  Then onto Daniels o Gregg says he's at Herald p.m.  Meet Boswell in Daniels he has on fine fur coat  I tell him he looks in it like Goldbecks portrait of John McCormick.  He says people have said that he resembles McC but he can't see it.  I say McC is a little heavier but there's a resemblance.  I go in & find the dark short chap I've met in there [[before?]] & Daniels assistant the poet who comes over to [[remark?]] my article on DuBois & Lawson - Daniel leaves.  Gregg & [[Steylik?]] & comes over smiling says "You have lots of fun, don't you."  I ask him if he's ever been painted - he says no.  I say there's only one man can do it & he says "And that's Mr. James Briton."  "Right

Transcription Notes:
Here is some information on Gerome Brush (born 1888): -- thomasc