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Change of pace here is a full length Prince of Wales Geo IV supposed late Reynolds on the 2nd Vol of this big work. It is almost a direct steal from Copleys Earl Spencer.  and here again is the prototype of Copleys Mrs Rogers as Lady Caroline Russell.  looks like an early Hudson Reynolds.  now either this is faked for Reynolds or the Copley is faked for Copley. how to hell! how in hell!
Reynolds full l. Count La Lippe with gun very fine
Sir W. Armstrong says in his catalog of Reynolds
   Russell Lady Caroline after w. Duchess of Marlboro (owned by Duke of Bedford)
  3/4 length:  sitting in garden:  [[Bleuthesus?]] spaniel in lap : landscape with moonlight and clouds  Painted 1759.
   Eng. by Jas. McArdell  his plate copied by R. Purcell
   *     *     *     *     *
   here then is the basis of the Copley Mrs. Rogers  It is inconceivable that Copley could have plagiarized Reyonlds design (1759) but the design is identical
The most likely supposition is that some modern picture [[strikethrough]] forgers have [[/strikethrough]] English picture forgers knowing the growing demand for early "Coplys" in America proceeded to manufacture one from a print of the 

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Reynolds perhaps in ignorance that the original was a Reynolds.  Either this or the other way round.  However the design if by Copley is much less apt to have been copied for it would have remained obscure in the "WE & SayRant" family where it came from away from picture markets for Copleys [[strikethrough]] had let [[/strikethrough]] were supported to be of of very little value.

        [[At your Gravers?]]
     Dest of Artists Ex in Great Britan
                       1760 to 1890

Copley Showed 6 with Soc of Arts
             43 " [[ditto for with]] RA   57 in all
              8 " [[ditto for with]] RI
          A Graves
               Ex at B.I. big book

Copley 1806   Death of Chatham
              Hagar & Ismael
              Abraham & Isaac
              Saul reproving Samuel 
       1807   King Ch I in Parl. demanding 4. ^[[insert]]11 ft by 8 [[/insert]]
              Watson & Shark  7 ft by 8 1/2
       1809   Offer of crown to Lady Jane Grey 8 1/2 by 8

        1811   "Same relating El."  8 by 6 1/2

 A Graves    Century of Loan Exs    5 Vols
    Copley 1
 B.I.  1817 Chatham         loan by A. Davison
            Tribute Money   loan by RA