Viewing page 62 of 67

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Stop at AAC to see Clarke. [[early?]] [[American?]] Metropolitan Copley ^[[insert]] Plate on portrait says [[/insert]] Mrs. Jerathmael Bowers Rogers fund 1915
Thought this was
          Mary Sherburne Rogers
     Look this over again well and am struck with the idea that it may have been painted in London for American consumption.  The rose on the bosom] gives it away it is [[strikethrough]] sh [[strikethrough]] [[chiced?]] in a manner unlike Copley - the head may have been patched together [[ strikethrough]] from [[strikethrough]] partly from the port. in Burlington of Mrs. B. [[Davi s?]]  lips quite like  that bulb on nose  delicate sheen. Hands are clumsy right one especially  flesh rather flushed on head & breast.  Circular series of cracks on right breast as if it had been struck - patched line of cracks running horizontally across top of head hair & bg.  Canvas relined. Painting of crimson mantle rather thin & sleazy and ornament of [[circled]] The Mary Storer pastel much rarer. [[/circled]] embroidery most slovenly.  [[delicacy?]] not there as in the Storer directly to left of the 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


Sunday [[7th?]] Jan
Church of the Ascension under the magnificent altar piece the "Ascension" by John LaFarge  Francis Hackett of the "New Republic" editor talks on "Ireland". The [[ink blot on page]] [[anapic?]] England and for the long standing abuse of government.  His sympathies are for the Irish and for the self determination which President Wilson had stated was one of the aims of the war.  When Hackett finished his temperate but straight and amazing talk the forum began.  3 minutes allowed to each speaker who sent up his name  after Hackett answered questions sent up on papers - First speaker was an enormous Englishman with a voice like a steam engine who began damning the Irish the Catholics and Irish rule in America.  He heaved and bellowed and as the bell struck the 3 minutes he started on but I from a near position yelled 3 minutes.'  He looked over at me took another heave and started on.  He [[strikethrough]] for [[strikethrough]] hesitated again & then heaved on as I yelled again 3 minutes and the hubbub of the audience over my interruption and the additional vocal "times up" stopped him.  He tumbled forward off the altar and
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Hopefully someone else can decipher the end of the first page, I gave up. I was going to stop after this, but I had to see what happened on the next page! Here is a link to the Copley portrait of Mrs. Jerathmael Bowers: He often used bg as background and fg as foreground in his notes on paintings, as well as port for portrait, eng for engraving, min for minature, etc. Here is a link to Copley's portrait of Mary Storer:;_ylt=A0LEV7i06spWymUAQ4wnnIlQ;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTY4NwRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1tb3ppbGxhLTAwMgRncHJpZANWbHpMT3JGMlE4TzB4cENjeVJhUG9BBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMyBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzM3BHF1ZXJ5AyJqb2huIHNpbmdsZXRvbiBjb3BsZXkiICJtYXJ5IHN0b3JlciIEdF9zdG1wAzE0NTYxMzg5Njc-?p=%22john+singleton+copley%22+%22mary+storer%22&fr2=sb-top-search&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002