Viewing page 5 of 33

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              Advertisers     1st issue May.
*See today Tuesday
              $15 paid in full.    1/4 page 15
1           FMK Rehu Galleries [[strikethrough]] lunch [[/strikethrough]] 1st issue
2 Call on X Babcock  paid $15 + 10 25   page 3
            Knoedler (Broke)
            Scott & Fowles (broke)
            Bourgeois (broke)
3         x Kingore (broke)
[[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] Arlington (Broke)
4           Mussman ^[[insert]] paid full [[/insert]]     paid $5 on 1/4 page [[Ennig T. Higgs?]] 7.50 due
5           Lawlor     due paid 15 [[?]]
6           Folsom paid for May & June.
7           Vose paid $25 on acct.  page
8           [[Ferargil?]] due paid 10 on 20
9           John Levy paid $25 on 50 - 150 ^[[insert]] back page for 4 mo [[/insert]]
10          Kevorkian  paid 50 on acct  25 due on June no.
11          Elrich 1/4 page at 25 [[strikethrough]] paid 10 [[/strikethrough]] paid full
          see French E 56th 
12        Macbeth 1/2 page at 25 [[strikethrough]] paid 12.50 [[strikethrough/]] paid full

         x Howard Young 1/2 page $40 paid
         x Daniel 
         Miss Judson & Ennis due 5 paid full

[[end page]]

[[start page]]
                                List of Subscribers
                                        *Denotes paid
+ Denotes supplied
with June July number              ✔ May number sent
= supplied with Aug-Oct. 

1 Randall Darcy   ✔
2 +=* Montfort  [[Arnold?]]   ✔    Circle 2498 California
first man to pay *= Dickinson Sidney E. ✔
4 + *= Miss Judson  ✔                  Sherwood Studios
5 + * Detwiller F.K.
6 = Philip Little ✔  Salem Mass
7 + * = Richard Kimball ✔ 13 W30  W14
8 + * = Caroline Van [[&?]] Beau. ✔
9 + * = C A Hoppin   20 Munroe Ave Worcester Mass.
10 + Mrs. W.C. Fitler ✔ Claude Raguet Hirst 65 W 11. 
11 +*= Capt Royston Nave ✔ "Rodin" W-57.
12 + Mrs. HCR Nelson. ✔ W67
13 +*= Prof. J M Niemayer ✔ 251 Lawrence St Newhaven
14 * Anne Edithwaits  ✔ 35 W 10.
15 + = W. Granville Smith ✔  5th Av.
16 + * = Eugene Higgins ✔ [strikethrough] E.34 [/strikethrough] Madison Ave. 
17 + * = Geo Pease Ennis ✔ Salmagund
18 + * = O. Edith Hicky ✔
19 +* = Mrs. A P Coony ✔ 81 Summit
20 +*= Mrs. E. W. Allen 437 W 117th
21 George Luks [[strikethrough]] [[✔?]] [[/strikehtrough]] Edgcomb Road Jumel Place
22 Arthur B Davies. 337 E 57
23 += August Franzen Gainesboro Studios
24 +*= M Molasky ✔  39 W67
25 += R H Nisbet ✔ South Kent Conn

 [[end page]]