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[[bullet]] paid.
Salmagundi Club subscribers

[[bullet]] W Granville Smith
Robert [[Vonndle?]]
[[bullet]] Carl Rungius
[[bullet]] Howard Giles
[[bullet]] Richard Kimbal
[[bullet]] Henry R Poore
[[bullet]] George Pearse Ennis
[[bullet]] Capt Ledyard Towle
Robert Nisbet
F R Detwiller
J Frances Murphy
James S King
[[margin]] deceased [[bullet]] Gaetano Caponi
Club   Eliot Clark   Librarian
G. Elmer Browne
H Salem Hubbell
[[bullet]] Arthur Folsom
H S Eddy
G C Wiggins
Jay Weiland
W H Donahue
John Noble
Frances S Dixon
Joseph Lauber
J Stanly Middleton
W A Patty
Benjamin Eggleston
W A Spader