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Levy paid 300 in full for 6
Milch paid 200 on 300 for 6 full pages
Schultheiss paid 50 on 180 for 6 1/2 pages
Ehrich paid 100 in full for 4 1/2 ps at 25
Vose      paid 50 on acct.
Macbeth   due 30
Powell    due
Mussman   due
Lautor    due 20
Dudeusing paid 30
Ackerman  due 15
Ralston   due 25
Knoedler  due 100
Folsom    paid 15 on Jan issue 1/4 page for 6 issues
Capone    paid 10 due 15
Rehn      due 25 for Martin cut.
Babcock   due 20 on last issue

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Illustrations for November No.
                  December Jan
1 Ralston Murphy VauVeau due 25
2 H Young [[strikethrough]] [[Ainster?]] [[/strikethrough]]  Inness     by page. due 25
9 Flanagan    head of Weir
3 Elrich   Lawrence. plan 2 reps paid 100 advance
10 Milch   Whistler [[Ivy?]] - 100 advance [[strikethrough]] [[or no ?]] [[/strikethrough]] 
paid 100 each 
Macbeth due 30 for 1/2 page
4 Ronberg    paid [[strikethrough]] due [[/strikethrough]] 12.50 -
12 Daniel Lawson
[[15?]] De Zayae   Cezanne 
[[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] Martin   Rehn   H. Martin 
[[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] Carol   Levy   Corot paid 25
Child-port Mc Bean    Mrs Powell due 10.
5 [[Wyant Inn lmers?]] Dudensing paid 30 for one half page
7 Opie port.   Ackerman 1/4 page 15 due 
8 Boudin   Laulor     due 75
14 Dickenson
9 Nave