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Advertisers for
No 6 March 1922
Levy  paid $200 advance
Milah paid $25 advance
Vose owes 50 for colored cover
Rembrandt paid
Fred K Lawlor paid 40
Folsom paid 15
Knoedles due 100
Schultheis still due 40
Amslie paid
Mussman paid
Ehrich paid 50 in advance
Dudeusing paid 50
Deturller paid 75 for 2 reproductions
Vezin advanced 100 for 150 rep
Nair paid 200 for cover in colors
Ereus paid 200 "    "
Dickinson paid 50 for rep
Miss Judson paid 25   "   "
Runqius paid 10 for rep
[[Giancello Smith?]] paid 10 for rep
Miss Cross paid 15 for rep
Aug [[Frauzen?]] paid 30 for rep.
Rob [[Voruch?]] paid 5 for rep
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