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British notes   in Color
Leicester Galleries   Ex "Soc. of 25 Painters".
                      Clare Atwood        W Lee Haukey
Leicester Sqr         Rannay Bell         JL Henry
10 till 6.            Ph Connard          EA Hornel
                      Nelson Dawson       Geo Houston
                      I Dods-Withers      GW Lambert
                      JRR Duff            Sidney Lee
                      LM.Fisher           Gerald Moira
                      [[Olusi?]] Hall     D Muirhead
                      Bertram Priestman   A [[Repperceece?]]
                                          Glyn Philpot
                      Cecil Rea           H [[Thyhu?]] Stanton
                      Constence Rea       Montague Smith      
                      Alfred Withers      [[Terrich?]]Williams
   sculpture [[Duracut Wood?]] John Tweed  Harold Stables
[[Gonpit?]] Gallery 5 Regent St SW. 
Modern Gallery  Newcastle on Tyne    24 Tilleys
                                     22 Blackett St.
Stoner + Evans galleries                           
                3 King St   St James Sqr
                               London S.W.I.