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Porter & Farish, 
Have received, an Assortment of 
Fall & Winter Goods, 
and a general, 
Assortment of Groceries. 
Good bargains may be had for ready payment in cash or produce. October 13, 1804

Anthony Buck, 
Has for Sale, 
Salt in Sacks, 
12 Hhds prime molass,se 
4 Puncheons Antigua Rum, 
5 Tons assorted Bar Iron, 
Malaga Raisins in Casks. 
Madeira, Lisbon, aud Sherry Wines, in half pipes and quarter casks. 
20 and 10d Nails in casks, 
4d cut ditto, 
100 Pieces assorted Humhums, 
40 ditto coloured Cambricks & Chintz 
40 ditto Olive Nankeens, 
Bed Tick and Cotton blankets. 
Umbrella and Parasols, 
Suwarrow Boots and Bootees. 
An Assortment of 
consisting of Knives & Forks, Penknives and Seizors. 
A quantity PLASTER of PARIS. All of which will be fold very low for ready payment or on time of those who are punctual. 
Fred'g, Nov. 26, 1804.

John Ross & Co. 
Have imported in the Susan and Polly from L ndon, and Charles Carter from Rotterdam a large 
Assortment of Goods, 
SUITABLE to the present and approaching season, which will be fold uncommonly low for ready payment or on short credit. Fred'g Oct. 9, 1804.

Have just received their 
Fall & Winter Goods, 
and a very extensive assortment of 
Which they offer for sale on moderate terms for Ready payment: -AMONG THEM ARE- 
SUperfine and coarse Cloths, Cassimeres, Swansdown, Plains, & Kerfeys Halfthicks, Flannels, striped & rofe Blankets, Velvets, Fustians, Calicoes and Humhums, Irish Linens, Worsted and yarn Huse, Ticklenburgs Oznaburgs and Hempen Rolls, Ruffia Duck, sail and seine Twine, Brass & Iron rimmed chamber door Locks Stock, trunk, drawer, chest and [[pas?]] Ditto, Carpenter's, Cooper's and Blacksmith's Tools of every kind, Knives and Forks, Iron and brass bed Castors, Coach Handles and Hinges Brass Harness Mountings, Rims and Castors, Bell metal Kettles, Iron and brass Chaffing Dishes, Cross cut, Pit, Mill and Hand Saws, Brass Nails Knobs, Hooks and Rings, Coal Hods, Cinder shovels, Fenders, Shovels and Tongs, Iron Tea-Kettles, Pots and Ovens, Skillets, Gridles and Grid Irons, Gun and Pistol Locks and Flints, Coffee Mills, Sad Irons, Bar Lead and Shot, Brads and Tacks of all sizes, 6d, 8d, 10d and 20.1 wrought and cut Nails, Spike ditto, Brass and Iron hinges of all sizes, Shoe, sweeping, hearth, furniture, currier's, counter, scrubbing & white wash Brushes, Bar Iron and Nail Rods.
Paints of all colours, dry and ground in Oil, Linseed Oil boiled and raw, Spirits of Turpentine, Pumice stone, Sugar of Lead, Gold and Silver Leaf, Reeve's Colors in boxes, Camel's Hair Pencils and Painter's brushes of all kinds, Tanner's Whale, Spermaceti, Castor and Sallad Oils, Tar, Turpentine and Resin, Pork in Barrels, Bacon.
Coffee, Chocolate, Candles Pepper, Allspice, Indigo, Fig Blue, Madder, Logwood, Allum, Copperas, Salt Petre, Hair Powder, F. and FF. GunPowder, Soal Leather, stone Jugs and Butter Pots.
Window Glass of all sizes, Cordage and White Rope of every kind, Antigua Rum, Brown Sugar and Molasses by the hogshead or barrel, London Particular Madeira Wine, by pipe or qr. Cask, Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial, Gun Powder & Bohea Teas.
A very large collection of Books and Stationary of every description Queen's Ware, China Tea set and Glass Ware.
Fred'g, October 29, 1804  oaw8w.
N.B. Cash given for Wheat, flour, Flaxseed and Hemp.

James Blair,
Has for sale, the following Articles, which he will dispose of on low terms, for Cash, or exchange for Produce.
BEST Liverpool salt, loose & in sacks, French Brandy and Gin, by the pipe or smaller quantity.
Rum, Whiskey, Vinegar and Molasses 
Sugar, and Coffee, 
Soap and Candles by the box or retail, 
Excellent cut Herrings, and 
A few barrels White Fish, 
Corn, Meal and Barley, 
Iron and Nails of every kind, 
Window Glass, Paints and Putty, 
Powder and shot of all sizes.  
With a variety of other articles.

sept. 24th, 1804.

[[Start of second column]]
THE highest price is given by the Subscriber in Cash, for Wheat of good quality, and 1d per bushel more than the Fredericksburg market, if delivered at the Allum Spring Mills - He keeps a constant supply of Bran, Shorts, and Indian meal, for sale at his Warehouse. - And is in want of two Journeymen Coopers, who are men of industry, sobriety and good demeanor.

Mordecai Barbour.
Fred'g, Nov. 14th, 1804.

Respectfully inform their Friends and the Public generally, that they have received by the latest arrivals, an assortment of COarse and fine Woolens, 
Manchester Stuffs, 
Calicoes, &c.
Among which are
ANVILS, Smith's and Hand-Vices, Sledge, hand, carpenter's and lathing hammers, 
Cross-cut, pit and mill Saws, 
Hand, tenant, and key-hole Ditto, 
Guns, Pistols, &c.
With every article compleating an assortment suitable to the season, which they will dispose of on reasonable terms for Cash or Country produce.
Opposite the Market-House,
Fred'g, Nov. 1st, 1804.

The Subscribers,
Respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have just opened in the house lately occupied by John Cooke, opposite to Doctor Hall's Shop,
An Assortment of 
SUITABLE for the approaching season, which they will sell on the most moderate terms, for Cash or Country Produce.
Stewart & Slaughter.
Fred'g, November 5th, 1804.
N.B. Cash given for Flour, Wheat and Tobacco.

By the ship Brutus, from Liverpool, we have received a handsome assortment of 
Fall and Winter Goods.  
Also an Assortment of 
Hardware, Cutlery, Ironmongery, &c.
By the ship Jane from Liverpool, we are daily expecting the balance, which will make our assortment very complete.  As those Goods are direct from the Manufactories and well bought, country Merchants and others will find it their interest to deal with us, as we are determined to sell at the most reduced prices.
Robert Coupar & Co.
Fred'g, October 12th, 184.

THIS Day the Coparrnership of PETER SMOCK & Co. was dissolved by mutual consent. - All persons having claims against said firm, are requested to bring them forward for adjustment to Peter Smock, who is duly authorised to receive and discharge all debts due to and from said firm.
Peter Smock,
Peter & Geo: Johnson.
Fred'g, November 6, 1804.
P.S. All those indebted to the above firm, are requested to discharge their respective balances immediately, as longer indulgence cannot be given.
Peter Smock.
I shall continue to Retail Business, in the old stand.  P.S.

THIS Day the copartnership of Peter and George Johnson was dissolved by mutual consent; all those having claims against said firm, are requested to bring them forward for adjustment to Peter R. Johnson, who is duly authorised to receive and discharge all debts due to and from the firm.
Peter R. Johnson,
George Johnson.
P.S. All those indebted to the above firm, are requested to make immediate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be given.
Peter R. Johnson.
Fred'g, Nov. 1, 1804. 

To Rent,
The Store-house now occupied by Mr. John Patterson & Co. with orwithout a Warehouse on the hill. Possession will be given the first proximo. Apply to
Rob: Patton.
August 16, 1804.

[[Start of Third Column]]
[[Graphic of hands pointing in opposite directions]]
REspectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that his SCHOOL will commence at his own House, on the 15th of January 1805 – The terms for Board and Tuition, will be .25 per annum--of which 6l, are to be paid in advance, the remainder at the expiration of the year. Each Boarder must furnish his own bed and bedding, or if found, pay an additional charge of 8 Dollars.
In this School the Latin and English Languages with the various branches of Mathematics, Arithmetic and Book.Keeping, will be taught.–About five boarders more than those already engaged will be received, the number will not exceed 18.–The most pointed attention shall be paid both to their accommodation and Instruction.–Globes, Mathematical Instruments and an extensive Library will be furnished.
Newington, Spotsylvania,
November 18th, 1804.

For Sale,
THE Houses and Lots, on the main street, at present occupied by Doctor Taliafesso, Mr. William Brooke and Mr. Jesse Wright.—For term apply to
Robert Patton & Co.
If not previously disposed of, the above property will be sold at public auction, at Mrs. Fisher's Tavern, on the 10th of January next.
Fred g. Nov. 6, 1804.

For Sale,
On Moderate Terms,
The Tenement,
In the Brick Building, at present occupied by Miss Nancy Taylor. Apply to
Robert Walker.
August, 27, 1804.

FINDING that little or no attention has hitherto been paid to my former ADVERTISEMENTS, requesting those who were indebted to the firm of Hipkins and Bernard, Wm. Bernard & Co, or to John Hipkins individually, I now give notice that suits will be brought against all those whose balances remain unpaid on the 1st Novembe next, returnable to November Court.

To be Rented,
And possession given on the 26th day of December next, that
Elegible stand for a Store,
At present in the occupancy of Mr. Philip Henshaw, with convenient Granaries and Bale houses–Also, the HOUSE & LOT, well improved, now occupied by Mr. Thomas Magruder, and an excellent granary on the beach below the said Lot. For terms apply to
William Bernard,
Executor of John Hipkins.
October 8, 1804

Porter & Farish,
Have just received a Parcel
London & American Porter, 
which they will sell low per Cask, dozen, or single bottle.
Nov. 6, 1804.

For Sale,
The Tract of Land,
I Now live on, containing 800 acres, this Land lies about 30 miles above the town of Fredericksburg and is valuable both for its fertility and contiguity to three valuable Merchant Mills, neither of which is more than 5 miles distant. There is also on the land, a Copper mine, which from former experiment, and in the opinion of the best Judges, if worked by skillful hands, would prove to be a very productive one. The buildings consist of a dwelling House and other out Houses suitable for the accommodation of a large family. It is considered unnecessary to insert in this advertisement, all the advantages attached to the land, because the person who wishes to purchase, will no doubt view the premises, at which time he will be made acquainted and it is hoped sufficiently satisfied, as to their worth.
William Gray.
Culpeper, August 28, 1804.

ADjoining the above Land, I have a TRACT of 288 1.2 acres, which I will dispose of separate from, or with the other. The improvements consist of a tolerable goo Dwelling House, small Meat house, and a ver good barn lately built. [[Paper is folded and the following lines are obscured.]] for 3 or 4 years saft, has been from Thirty to forty thousand weight of Timothy and Herd grass Hay: There is also on the land, a small Peach, and a thriving young Apple Orchard of about two hundred trees of the most approved sort. For further particulars, apply to the subscriber. 
William Gray.

[[Start of fourth column]]
[[Graphic of hand pointing to the first line of text]]
The absence of some of the Managers, and the general ill health of the place, has been the means of postponing the drawing of the Lottery, for the benefit of the Female Charity School, until the first day of the Spring District court when the drawing will certainly commence and continue till the whole is finished. 
The Managers. 

Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise the sum of 5000 Dollars for the Benefit of the Female Charity School of Fredericksburg.
               Dollars         Dolls. 
1 Prize of     5000      is    5000
2 do.          1000      is    2000
1 do.           500      is     500
1 do.           250      is     250
5 do.           100      is [tear in document covers number]
10 do.           50      is     500
2750 do.          8      is   22000
1st Ticket having a blank drawn to its number after 3000      100
1 do.           4000      200
1 do.           5000      300
1 do.           6000      500
1 do.           7000      1000
1 last drawn whether blank or prize           2000
Expences of drawing            150
Sum to be raised           5000
2776 Prizes           Dolls. 40,000
5224 Blanks
8000 Tickets at 5 dolls. each      40,000
In the above Scheme it appears there are not two blanks to a prize, and no prize subject to a deduction. The Lottery will commence drawing on the first Monday in October next, and continue until the drawing is finished. All Tickets drawing prizes will be paid within thirty days after the drawing is concluded, and all prizes not applied for within six months after will be considered as donations to be applied to the purposes of the Lottery.
The Managers deem it unnecessary to say any thing by way of inducement to persons to become adventurers in this Lottery, as the Charitable purpose for which it is intended, will it is hoped insure a speedy sale of the Tickets.
Tickets to be had of the Managers and of Mr. Buck, Treasurer of the Female Charity School.
Francis Brooke, John Minor, Rober Patton, John Chew, James Stevenson, David C. Ker, Walter Gregory, Wm. S. Stone, Robert S. Chew, Hugh Mercer, Fred'g, March 20, 1804.     Managers.

Spotsylvania Court, November 7th, 1804.
John Montague an Infant, by Stapleton Crutchfield his next friend,     Plt'ff.
Clement and Thomas Montague, executors of Clement Montague, deceased, Elizabeth Carpenter, James Ballard and [[Iabel]] his wife, Clement W. Duerson, Henry Duerson, Sarah Whiting, and Thomas Wiglesworth,     Def'ts.
THE Defendant Sarah Whiting not having entered her appearance, and given security, according to the act of Assembly, and the rules of this court; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the said Sarah Whiting is not an inhabitant of this State: On the motion of the Plaintiff by his counsel, it is ordered that she appear here on the first Tuesday in February next, and answer the Plaintiff's bill and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some Newspaper published in the town of Fredericksburg, for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the Courthouse in the said county.
a copy, teste,
Robert S. Chew, C.S.C.

At a Court held for Madison county, at the Courthouse on Thursday the 27th day of September 1804.
Elijah Underwood,     Plt'ff.
James Barbour and Thomas Barbour,     Def'ts.
In Chancery.
THE Defendants not having entered their appearance and given security according to the act of Assembly, and the rules of this court; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that they are not inhabitants of this state: On the motion of the Plaintiff by his counsel, it is ordered, that the said Defendants do appear here on the fourth Thursday in December next, and answer the bill of the Plaintiff, and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some public Newspaper of this Commonwealth for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the Courthouse of the said county.
A copy, [[teste]],
John Walker, [[Jr. C.M.]]

THE Subscriber having declined the Retail Business, is anxious to have all his accounts settled--he therefore earnestly calls on all those indebted to him, for immediate payment, as longer indulgence will not be granted.
Anthony Buck.