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[start page]
wrote Mayor Hylan about the vile brokers who use McDougall Alley studios as a cloak
- see Mrs Force Spring 2968 27 Waverly Pl
Thomas Conadly Carnegie Steel Co Waverly Extension
Cortland 8940
"  [[ditto for Thomas Conadly]] [[long dash]] 6 [[strikethrough]]A/[[/strikethrough]] 30 Church St N.Y.
Mrs Lever 262 W 70 Col. 6861

Chicago dealers   426 S Michigan Ave
   Anderson Art Gallery [[strikethrough]]75 East Washington Av/[[strikethrough]]
   N[?] Art Gallery 75 East Washington Av
   Youngs " "  66 East Jackson Blvd.
   OBrians     334 So Michigan Blvd.

Edward Gay 434 S 2d Ave
Patricia Gay " " "  Mt Vernon N.Y.
Thomas F Gerrity 251 Claremont Ave "
[[Wed?]] Mrs Leslie 45 For rent on Sat July [[strikethrough]] 1st [[/strikethrough]] 2
paid 20 balance 25
[sub?] Guarino.
[end page]

[start page]
   Get copy of Am Ar News for Nov. 11 1916
which has my portrait of Bunce
and Jan 8 1916 with my portrait of McM.
   Monday 23 June stop in to Waldorf to see Valera Pres. of Ireland.  Asked Dickinson to meet me there. Find him - he says "I got up sick to come down here must have ptomaine poisoning from that Coney Island trip Sunday.  We go over to the 33rd St door where crowd is.  In corridor [[strikethrough]] I see [[/strikethrough]] are many people.  I say to D. "Those chaps there are cub reporters & that chap over there is an Irish judge.  Am I right."  D says "I guess you are."  Pretty soon 5:45 crowd yells out side & we see Valera come in in a jam.  My first impression seeing him is that he has Jewish strain.  I remark it to D. & he says "Maybe he has, nearly every body has you know."  D feels badly and I tell him he'd better go & take care of himself.  Goes.  I go up to state apartment second floor, where Valera is to see the press men.  Find about 12 people trying to get into room guarded by an Irishman.  Pat Quintan is among the twelve.  Big chap from the World holds up a card & begs [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] admission.  He is let in.  I say, "Thats a Mulocratic [?] paper, an enemy to the country.  Let us in." & we get in.  Room is crowded.  Valera not there, is having a private interview in next room.  Pretty soon he comes in quietly and is announced to make a few remarks
[end page]

Transcription Notes:
"sub" might be abbreviation for "subscription"