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  Thursday July 3 out at 11:30 to see Thomas B Clarke.  Tells me he has a great deal of data on Stuart Washingtons and I may use it.  Very kind, but says he could not do any advertising or put any money into my paper as the other art papers would immediately get after him.  Says "Now the dealers ought to do it and they will do it.  You can do a lot for them.  You stand very well with them.  I know I hear a lot about it -- you stand better perhaps than you think."  Talks alot about his Vaughn Washington. and his Remb Peale "done the very same time."  Says he hopes I'll opt out the big book on American painters bringing Dunlap down to date.  So [[out?]] [[Gronstus?]] place to John Levys and John gives me a check for 50  Hughes of Ackerman's was there with another chap with a poor weak portrait that they call a "Stuart"  I hear Levy say before I see it  "It looks like that saloon keeper down on Broadway.  A fellow had another Stuart in here last week and it looked like the saloonkeepers brother.  Levy says he's opening his new galleries in November. So down home and find check for 25 from Little [[?strikethrough]] and one for 25 from Vose.  Now this is 

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better after struggling through the heat of this terrible week with almost no funds.  Was down to one Canadian dime which no one would take because of the King's head on it.  Hoggen's cashes Levy's check with one on [[scribble - perhaps a doodle of a snail?]] his own on Harriman bank.  So on to see Carol and arrange to take her home tomorrow.
   July 4th Friday  heat terrific  over at 5.30 to get Carol and new baby.  Take them in taxi and then off to 5 PM Boston boat. Writing now on boat at 1 AM no state room.  Meet Palmer  his wife & beautiful girl 9 years.  P out of government now an accountant for Wall St firm.  Says government was hopeless place for them all, no chance.
   Says Neill was utter failure.  Says John & Frank Sheretan [[both?]] at Glen Cove L.I. and are making money.  Palmer very interested in my paper say his girl has written plays - and draws.  Married his wife out in Colorado-school teacher.  Set with them on deck as boat sails past Long Island.  Good dinner on boat.
   July 5th  Boston heat deadly all grog shops closed but one which sells rubbish in bottles.  called new beer.  [[Guess?]] Boston scared by this liquor law while New York sells more good beer than ever.  Stop at Voses and see a great show of Americans.  Robt Vose there and when I ask him why he ascribes [[Fekie "Dragons"?]] to Woolaston