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   Friday July 11  Meet Jerome Myers in the print room of the library.  Give him a good sound one about Bellows.  Myers smiles Says "You dont like Bellows do you?" I say like him  how could anyone like those damned lithographs They're an awful case against him. Myers agrees [[strike]] ww [[/strike]] with me but says little against Bellows except that the lithos have steam him up.

  Sat July 12

  Sunday July 13  Take 12 tram for New Haven  trolly to NB then train back to New Haven  decide to call on Ern  find him home  Says he will take Annie to Madison tomorrow.

   Monday July 14  Annie B gets ready to go to Madison from Eves  They go down ahead of me & when I get off car at Green find Ern & Annie standing at corner  Newsboys had beset me & had just bought some NY papers & turned around when I see Annie & Ern  Annie beaming the dear lady.  She is in her black dress and has her small traveling bag with her.  Ern smiles & Annie says "the boys, did you buy all the papers" and laughs.  Dinky Freer comes by & stops to see us.  Shows us his labor paper which he is writing for.  Says Nell [[Tuesday July 15 inserted]] wrote some Paris stuff for my paper.

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Bayle & Son store [[?]]


heagle  Richard M. Johnson Corcoran
        [[Prist very Sma ldsc. ga bg.?]]

"Tuckerman's Book of the Artist

           [[Putnam?]]    1867

fine large edition with steel eng frontispiece
of Daniel Huntingdon  fine old boy

[[nice doodle of a man's head facing left with spectacles]]  Earliest one has Col. p who had any proper training in Art seems [[strikethrough]]to have been Robert Feke.  his desc have his p of self & wife  also p of little girl p on panel.  Dunlap says F did Mrs Welling 1746 signed  that year he did several in Phil.  T mentions Copley ports of Geo Shirley & wife, two of the Misses Plumpstead of Phil.
  It mentions that Copley ports of Gov, Shirley + wife [[too of the]] [[? ? ]] [[Plouspstead]] of Phil.
  At the family mansion at Haverhill there is a fine p by this artist of Judge Saltonstall who was b 1703 & d 1756

   Huntington elect NA pres 1862
       Some 30 yrs ago neath glorious old elms of [[Kenlhurs?]] used to study odes of Horace a 3 in the morning
   E N born New York 1866   to Trumbulls studio
     had just impulse  Trumbull told him how precarious was the life but H Sat to Elliot   35 pupil of Morse
   1850 ex at Ne Y of Hs ps in which appears portrait of the 'Painter's Daughter'-- his friend Inman's full of rich expression "-----" Lover's Surprise"

Transcription Notes:
The second page is nearly illegible, but there is a nice sketch of a man with glasses. You can find the quoted text of Tuckerman's Book of the Artists at