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Monday 4 August Stop into Madison Galleries to see Mr McMay arrange with him to reproduce his five early Bruce Crane. & I receive check for 20.  Find McMay very fine likes my paper very much  Enthuses over the Twachtman.  Keeps talking about it.  I tell him I'll give his Crane the same position.  Hope to see [[magazines?]]  Tell Mrs. M she made a great mistake wot give Touchstone an adv.  el all and she's wild because after she did give it up the not only neglected to mention her in the Higgins article but played up the Knordlers.  I tell her sade a great mistake.  Stupid mistake.  Eve stop at Jerseys studio.  Find Mike has painted a pretty good head of himself.  Meet a tall chap named Hoffman and a fat one named Schoermaker.  I talk hard at them  much to Jersys amusement.  We hear some Wagner on phonograph.

Eve midnight walking down Fifth Av meet Dickenson.  who says he just left Jersey and there talking about me.  J thinks the new paper is great and his foldks do too.  Dickinson right away says "you must arrange to have dinner with us   the folks are very anxious to meet you.  Anytime you say."  D walks down to Madison Square   Says he sold a picture up in the country for "75 bucks" and when [[I mention I in Louis in France English I take 5?]].  Will get to work more.

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[[sketch of a gentleman in pince nez glasses, tie and high collar looking down]]

   Tuesday 5 August.  over to Brooklyn then off for [[Neuttassen?]]  around Eves at 11 PM  Not in again.  Hell.  Second time I've reached his house near midnight and unable to get in.