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Clorves Royal Many   Vol. III
Bridgeport PL.

    Howe    Signature of Richard
                        Earl Howe.

photogravure of Copleys port after Dumbartons Mezzo.

Copleys port of Ld Adminral Banington
   port of Vice Adm. Sir Wm. Geo. Fairfax
           perhaps by Copley oval bust

Finley  [[England?]] [[Prad?]]

  Boston  Saturday Aug     stop into Doll and Richards & talk with young man who says he's much in sympathy with the Art Review and will send photos of Homer Mart--not in colors.  At Cobbs young pretty woman talks very interestingly & keeps me long time.  Says she'll interest Mr. Cobb. Stop at Voses & see R.C. who comes in & salutes.  "Hello, Captain."  Says the Hontington was sold to same [[usstune?]] who bought the Jouett.  R.C. says "I'm going to show you some great pictures.  Go into private gallery & see the great Winding Path of Twachtman a new Weir big 50-50 nymph?  landscape that RC says Mrs. Vose bought herself.  Another Weir.  a green pasture Thompson (nephew) boutgh  Vose brings out the Twachtman upright horse with hollyhocks in foreground  great!  [[Tonmewge?]]  R.C. gives me check for 7t on acct. & says "League only next number if you don't you'll get the other fellows down on you.  I'm thinking of you."  says he'll write Bard & Rdmond Knoedler to adv. whose with me.  Brings in new Ryder

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              Boston Museum
Parks two Coplys are fine
  man looks like John Gray white satin waistcoat crimson chair and [[stockings?]]  red lip  [[whitervogo?]] red coat

Roman very fine fat head very find  reddish
Curtains  vase of flowers  fresh complexion

Widow Wells magnificent
Dorothy Quincy varnished and seems to be repainted [[dress?]]
  the bees   the Quincy Sam wife & Josiah
The Geo. Watrais  red.  Tan amory
JQ Adams     Peter Ramies out

Mr. Hay   Mrs. Skinner   [[Sarah?]] Warner  Adams House

[[?]] Wana.   Mrs. Dalies
lizards & fat woman [[underline]](need)[[/underline]] in corridor
very fine.

      X          x       x
  very rich very rich  too rich compared with the cool Twachtmans & the magnificent Weirs.  V says "Rembrandt ought to go back to Milwaukee cutting meat."  "Butcher." I says   V says "that's right  butcher!"  Hall will see.  Set a long time talking with Vose about the paper - He thinks the last one finer  Says, "you've got a wonderful mind.  you see a picture once and you get a photograph of it right in your brain - you never forget it."  Stop at Museum to see Hunt pictures and new Coplys.  Then to Gernhardts to spend the night  Sunday off to N Haven.