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      Worcester Lib Art Room
Jas Bany  port of 1st Duke of Northumberland
         In Coll. of Duke    Sion House

* 4 vols of Art treasures in Great Britain by Wargen
                           valuable lists

Sept.     drop into Dickinson's studio and find a sculptor there, who had worked with Hale in Boston.  Had nothing to say for Hale but the slanders of the old Boston crowd who were maddened by Hales "Herald" articles.  Admitted however that Hale has since shown himself quite a painter.  I have to tell this chap all about Hale's importance.
Robert Aitken the sculptor who has the studio next door to Dickinson comes in. & we get into a big argument over the war in which he was a captain.  I launch it by saying we're going to fight England.  Dickinson rises to defend the English & Aitken sort of backs him up.  The sculptor Hafner who is I say "a German" stands along for my side of it and utters some heavy ones against the English.
I ask Aitken "Why didn't somebody do a bust of Pershing?'  He says, "I did one.  I ask him if he has photos of it & he goes into his studio to fetch them.  Has several  the best the profile.  Tell him I'd like to use it.  "Very happy" so I get it.
   Sep.    At Daniel's Gallery.  Lawson comes in says he just left John Flanagin at [[Tononi?]] house where he'd taken Lawson to see a new film.  Lawson says we went there at 2 o'clock 

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[[image:  half page sketch of a woman in 3/4 length]]
Dr. May [[Mish?]] Martin

[[image:  sketch of a man's profile facing left, with a mustache and beard, wearing a hat.]]

     X            X

but it wasn't going to begin till 4.  But John was a going to wait.  He wanted me to wait, but I told him I couldn't wait.  But John he's going to wait around there till 4 oclock."  Lawson admires the little Prendergast as much as I do.  I talk about Twachtman.  Says "Up at the League we could always tell when Twachtman was coming when we'd smell orange peel.  He used to chew orange peel to kill the smell of [[strikehtrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] drink.
   Find Aitken in next evening and Dickinson comes