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  I met Lincoln Feb 23 1861  Pres elect A. Lincoln said "You are John S?  Well I am taller than you; lets measure."  They stood back to back & Lindoln was 6 ft 3 1/2
       X            X
   Pennell says Whistlers funeral had not many.  Abbey. Larey. Tadmena & Al East  no notice from Am Embassy or any Embassies.

   October 2 Thursday  rains like the devil.  Can't go to see any dealers so stop up to Dickinsons to begin sitting.  D not there.  As I go down the stairs Robert Aitken the sculptor sings out "Hello yourself"  "Come up and sit down"  Don't go out in that rain."  Go up to wait for d.  Sit in Aitkens place & he brings some of his Paris sketch books with 5 minute drawings of nudes  Some very good.  A says he's glad o sit for a charcoal head  D comes in  Says "Come to lunch  The crowds down stairs  I say What crowd - D says Cap Nave & Arndt  I say "Well in that case you   I say "How about Cap. Aitken.  D says  Sure  A says allright.  So down [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]]  Find no Cap. Nave  Over to Carnegie restaurant  Find no Cap  D rushes out to find him.  Back no Cap Nave.  Go in to eat.  Sit down.  D says "Finest lot of nice girls in town eat here"  One sits down at our table  Say "First [[Halgustin?]] prize [[to me?]] she comes.  All out to Cap Ns studio  Find him  Aiken [[and?]] says "That man has no taste.  He can't paint with those rugs on the floor  I say "They're good"  They're terrible.

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    Twachtman catalog continued from Book no.
NYPL clippings

  2 woodcut proofs  gift of Scribner
         1 Lake with boatman
               2 poplars path by water bright clouded sky
          2 Sand & Palms   Florida ?

3 "October"  owned by Ch A Platt
     restrained stone white country house in middle with fenced yard and summer house beside

4 Spring   owned by Silas S Dustin.
       water & hill very broad & loose

5 Scene in Venice    upright
                       bridge gondola & buildings in sun

  The Pool    trees cut off & reflected   Detroit Mus gift Freer.

6  Waterfall   Cinn. Museum  [[reytime?]] very, very studied

7  In the Sunlight   woman in white 30-25

x* 8  photo port of T  front view high collar white tie

a copy of Lotos club catalog 1907 which contains 45 ps.

       X                   X
   Dickinson gets to work on my portrait  Does a damn fine head then stops  Says "How about tomorrow"  Has a 3/4 scheme  damn fine start.  Stop at Clapp & Grahams & get check for 35 for half page.  Good  See a good Bowdin in there.  Very good one.