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Friday 10 Oct

Sat 11 Oct

Sunday 12

Monday 13  go out city to get air.  Land in old Holland Gall. & tackle Morse again by time I'm through he's arranged to take 1/2 page.  Says he'll give me check tomorrow. tues
   Tuesday [[strikethrough]] 41 [[/strikethrough]] 14 get check for 50 from Vose and stop to cash it with Higgins  at his Harriman bank  Go over to Holland Gall & get photo of Twachtman & check.  Morse comes up to door with & says a N-H [[mu?]] some money for you.  Off to N-H.  Stop with Ern who says he did [[underlined]] not [[/underline]] get my letter.  Stay the night  off 
   Wed 15 Oct  Hartford to get photo to Pindar by cab.  find Mr. Rockingham in off ice Pindar [[stay?]] down Mr. P  very courteous nice chap  girl stenographer a beauty.  [[Finally?]] pay my old bill  Out to see mother who is doing fairly well.  At supper get talking about the night with Gert, Annie & miss McConell the nurse and Miss McC says as I say the only thing is to throw the English out of Ireland.  She says "I could listen to you all night.  The servant comes in from the kitchen and [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]]

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claps her hands and as I finish to leave for the tram  they're all excited and the cook says "Oh don't go, don't go.  but come soon again.  & off.
   thursday 16  got for Dickinson & paint a new one of him  Rain at night after [[us catal Reisennsburg?]]  Find D down at 14th st. & he proposes a trip to the "Lantern" 4th st where Jersey some pictures.  Go in music  lunch tables  crown & pictures.  As I sit down see John Sloan opposite [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] turning around to greet us.  Bolshevist comes over to invite us to join a club of Aesthetes.  Lead him on to talk and Dickinson disgusted with him.  Girl sings. & I propose regular [[strikethorugh]] recitalaly [[/strikethrough]] recitals  Sloan comes over with Mrs. on [[regout?]].  Says he painted a lot in New Mexico.  Says they have a gallery out there & way ahead of east in getting out to the people.  Mrs. Sloan says Glad to be home as they were moving all summer place to place.  
[[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]] Friday 17  Go up to Ds in morn to paint him  find he's daubed his portrait of me all over.  I say. "What the hell.  Thats not a square deal."  "Why he says there's nothing crooked about that  I paint a lot of them out  I spent 10 dollars on the canvas & paint."  Well I say.  [[strikethrough]] I can't [[/strikethrough]] Of course I Can't go with mine now