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Back to Carol early.
Thursday 27 Thanksgiving and Mother gone.  All the old Thanksgivings with Mother to bless them now come back to me.  Carol gets a box of things from Theresa  chicken cake oranges apples nuts  Kids Jerome and Teresa in joy over it all.  Have a little bite with them then off for Hartford.  Stop at Erns who says funeral is Saturday so decide to go back to New York to work Friday
Friday 28  Give printer money as I promised & get the number ready.  Stop at Dudensings who will have a new Blakelock Monday.  Art Knoedlers  Charlie K. takes copy of paper to [[strikethrough]] Knoed [[/strikethrough]] Herschel & there says his brother will be back from Europe next week.  Herschel obviously has no authority.  Roland is the whole Knoedler house  all the others mere clerks.  Meet Higgins just outside who shows me wire from Kingore at Baker Texas asking H if he'll take 250 net for "The Return".  H says he wired yes.  up to Dickinsons.  D says Chicago Art Institute has bought his nude for 1200.  Great news.  Milch did it.  D wild with joy  His birth day.  Talks father  Goes over to Reismanberg  toll  I eat he already 

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having had dinner.  Says St. Louis is also holding his painter for possible purchase.  So things come for our group [[underline]] our [[/underline]] group.  Dickinson says "That picture of yours. is a great success  everybodys crazy over it.  Griffin was in a raved about it.  I brought some girls in and they all say its the best thing in the show."  Well its good to hear this but what good is it all with mother gone.  poor mother who was so good to me even when I failed failed failed.  Never anything but fail.
   Friday  over to Hartford  Annie's at 9:30 at [[indugests?]].  Sit up all night with Nan & Etta and Annie B.  Poor Annie B.  No one need ask her to sleep for she says "No, this is the last night your mother will ever be here and I'll not leave her."  Poor mother rests in her casket under the portrait I painted of father with the candles lighting both.  Poor mother, never will we see more that noble face infused with expression of her fine pure spirit.  If we be sorry she is gone it is only for ourselves, for she did not want to stay after father.  John comes in. and during the night falls asleep in the chair.
   Sat. morning 29 Nov.  I ride to the Cathedral with Nan and Mr. McG. and John.  After the service as we go out without being being sure or seeing him, I felt that Jim Mc was standing at the outer edge of one of the pews, very