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comes over to ask D to meet someone who's interested in his picture.  D's friend Hopkins comes over & says his busts have been turned out.  I tell him its an honor.  Kimbel comes over & I give him a paper.  Give several and the blue covers appear all over the place.  Granville Smith comes in & I ask him if he'll get the cat. of his p. I'll run it.  Says he'll ask Waltons  Goes off. to see about it.  McBride comes in & I tell Hafner there may be row if he meets Hassam.  Lawson come over & says "Hello Britton"  I say "That's a great thing of your."  Lawson says Do you really like it.  I say Great.  Jerome Myers then pipes up & I tell him his picture should have been better hung.  He says "Well I've got two in & I'm fairly satisfied.  Beal introduces Rittenberg then W H DeB Nelson of Studio comes over.  I give him a shot about the show he chose at Rembrandts.  Says I know but we could not have everybody  I say Brandegee and Giff Beal says  Thats right.  Brandegee

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is great.  Nelson says to me "But didn't I say his portrait was the best thing here last year?"  I give Nelson a paper.  He says "You never sent me one"  I say I give you one now.  Thats more than you do.  You never send me yours."  "But I will from now on  Certainly  I'm pleased to have you hand me this."  Lever roars & tries some humor.  I tell him as he comes over to his picture with me.  "I miss the boats."  He laughs.  Young Platt of Macbeths comes over and [[strikethrough]] says [[/strikethrough]] sits down.  Says "I've got my best picture here.  I hope you'll like it."  Introduce him to Dickinson who has come back.  Franzen comes over and introduces Henry Vincent.  Carl Runguis comes, says he likes the paper.  
   Bill Paxton of Boston comes up behind me as I stand talking with Nelson Lever & Giff Beal.  I give Paxton a paper and tell him "Take that back to Boston with you."  Beal laughs and says to P.  "Get subscribers in Boston.  Spread the good news."  Beal and Lever & Lawson all roast Hales picture.