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St. Croix 2.

After tea Miss Fleming took us for a drive. We went clear to Christiansted, 15 miles, and found the road good most of the way. In town we stopped to meet a Mr. Beatty. I don't know his position (perhaps mosquito abatement officer), but he is interested in birds, insects, etc. and has collected several other groups. I made a tentative date to come talk to him tomorrow.

[[margin]] X-29-36 [[/margin]]
We seem to have brought rain with us. We've had showers every hour or two since we came. Spent the day rearranging our room and unpacking. Last night neither of us slept much as the bed is a thin mattress laid on boards. Today we arranged for another bed - smaller but much more comfortable.
The morning was so rainy that I phoned to Beatty that I wouldn't come. Then the afternoon was quite fair. We went riding again after tea, circling the town to pass La Grange, a sugar factory in which Miss Fleming has an interest.
In the evening we heard on the radio the results of the Literary Digest Poll. Landon led 370+ to 171 in electoral votes (54% of total). People here seem to expect reelection of Roosevelt but aren't in favor of it.

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[[margin]] X-30-36 [[/margin]]
Finished unpacking and straightening up. After lunch Mr. Beatty came by and took me out to see some of the country. We went along the bay north of Frederiksted as far as Sprat Hall, then turned east into the mountains. We soon passed a small cocoa grove but I learned that it is entirely neglected and most of the fruit eaten by rats. None is picked. We searched under stones along the stream but found almost nothing.

[[underlined]] Station 315. [[/underlined]]
One mile northeast of Sprat Hall, St. Croix.
A single Carabid under stone along a stream.
[[margin]] 1 Bledius [[/margin]]
We continued up this road to the dam, where we searched in vain for any beetles. Farther on we stopped to look at some fungus.
[[underlined]] Stations 316. [[/underlined]]
Pleasant Valley in northwest section of the island. [[margin]] A [[/margin]] From fresh fungi took 132 Staphs (109 red Aleacharinae and 23 black), 1 Scolytid, 3 other Coleoptera, 1 Forficulid, and some fly larvae.
[[margin]] B [[/margin]] From under bark on the same post found 1 Astomid and 8 other Coleoptera.
We continued up this road to Annaly, and returned to town past Oxford and Little Grange. The vegetation is dense and tropical.