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St. Croix 16.

On the way home Beatty saw a little boy with a slingshot. He stopped the car and took the slingshot away from the boy. The boy didn't seem to be surprised and evidently understood the scolding he got in Spanish. It seems that the Puerto Ricans are death on all birds, and slingshots are confiscated at sight. It was rather hard to reconcile the two feelings, of sympathy for the kid losing his toy, and of indignation at destruction of birds. 
We came home through town and stopped to get a dish of ice cream. I was more or less introduced to one or two acquaintances - mostly riff-raff who were tight but couldn't be dodged.
Had an early supper and a long evening.
[[margin]] XI-9-36 [[/margin]] 
The fine weather of several days ended this morning. The day was overcast and it rained several times. Ruth went to town in the morning but I accomplished little. In the afternoon we worked some on stamps, and after tea Ruth went to the club with Miss Fleming. They played Ping Pong, and found it quite a strenuous game.
I wrote letters to Eudonie in St. Lucia, Bottimer, and Don Frizzell. Also the Report for last month.
Ruth claims that she has definitely given up her journal. I'm still trying to persuade her to keep it up. She says she's tir [[strikethrough]] ing [[/strikethrough]] ed of the bother.

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[[margin]] XI-10-36 [[/margin]] 
Typed the letters written last night, and then spent the rest of the morning working on a MS that is a [[strikethrough]] n [[/strikethrough]] discussion review of Schenk & McMasters Procedure in Taxonomy. I don't know whether I would ever try to publish it, but it does me good just to write it out.
After lunch I went down to the southwestern peninsula. The road is not passable so I had to walk. Everything seems to be densely covered with brush, traversed by numerous tortuous paths full of waist-high grass. I was unable to find the salt ponds or the beach, but did collect at
[[underlined]] Station 324. [[/underlined]]
Vicinity of White's Bay, Southwest Cape. From flowers took 5 small beetles. Could find no Staphs in flowers.
[[underlined]] Station 325. [[/underlined]]
1/2 mile east of sta. 324; 1/2 mile south of Hannah's Rest estate. From dung (and manure) took 120 Staphs ([[underlined]] Oxytelus [[/underlined]] - 72, Paederinae - 8, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]] - 18, [[underlined]] Actobius [[/underlined]] - 17 and 1, [[underlined]] Conosoma  [[/underlined]] - 2, Aleocharinae - 2), 1 Carabid, 19 Sphaeridiinae, 4 Histeridae, 15 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]], pseudoscorpions, and ants.
Finally got back through the brush and swamp to the main road, and then home.