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[[preprinted]] 22 [[/preprinted]]

St. Croix 22. 

[[margin]] XI-14-36 [[/margin]]
Tried to telephone Beatty to tell him that I wasn't coming over today. I couldn't reach him, so I went out anyway. I went up the road past Little Grange, Orange Grove, and Two Friends Estates but was finally prevented from continuing by a bad washout. Came back to the coast without finding any place to collect. Decided I had time to go back to Butler Bay, where I had some success before. 

[[underlined]] Station 330.[[/underlined]] Same as sta. 317. From dung and manure took 688 Staphs ([[underlined]] Oxytelus [[/underlined]] - 528, Paederinae - 14, Xantholininae - 2 small and 2 large, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]] - 63, [[underlined]] Conosoma (?) [[/underlined]]  48, Aleocharinae - 28, Lorinota-group - 3), 1 Carabid, 163 Sphaeridiinae, 6 Histerids, 39 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]], Forficulids, larvae, ants, mite, and myriapods. This brings the island total to 1968. The minute beetles listed as [[underlined]] Conosoma [[/underlined]] were unusually abundant.  Can't tell what they are, but grow more suspicious that they're not Staphylinids. Spent the afternoon counting these. 
Every day at tea we are given a lot more milk than we use, so we pour it off in a dish and keep it for the kitty. She is jet black and so small that we thought her just a kitten, but are told she's had kittens several times.  Like 

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[[preprinted]] 23 [[/preprinted]]

so many pets down here, she seems to be under-fed and generally ^[[insertion]] slightly [[/insertion]] mistreated. The dog here is exceedingly nervous and cringes on the ground on the least provocation. People don't know enough to train animals, and then expect them to behave themselves of their own accord. !!

[[margin]] XI-15-36 [[/margin]]  
Sunday. Felt rather lazy today. Did some accounts, read several Sciences, and worked on stamps with Ruth. Also worked out a table showing the number of each family of beetle taken on each island. Might include it in my final report of collecting. 

[[margin]] XI-16-36 [[/margin]] 
Cant' seem to get out early. Went across to Christiansted, stopped at the hospital to ask Beatty about collecting at Petronella Estate. Made a date for tomorrow, and then rode to 
[[underlined]] Station 331. [[/underlined]] 
Petronella Estate, 1 mile east of Great Pond. From dung in a corral took 1256 Staphs ([[underlined]] Oxytelus [[/underlined]] - 1237, Paederinae - 6, Xantholininae - 3, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]] - 5, Conosoma (?)- 2, Aleocharinae - 3), 8 Sphaeridiinae, 5 Histerids, 42 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]] larvae, ants. 
This is by far the largest single catch of the trip, and nearly doubles the island total.  I thought there were other things mixed with the [[underlined]] Oxytelus [[/underlined]], but couldn't tell while collecting.