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[[preprinted]] 38 [[/preprinted]] St. Croix 38. 
[[left margin]] XII-1-36 [[/left margin]] Mr. Beatty put up the net over the car one evening last week, near Cristiansted. He reported that the tiny Staphs were abundant from 5:30 to 6:30, and the larger ones most plentiful from 6:00 to 7:30. None were taken after 8:00.  This is 
[[underlined]] Station 344. [[/underlined]] 
Roads between Christiansted and Constitution Hill estate. From net over car (Beatty) took 265 Staphs Prisstinae - 1, [[underlined]] Oncytelus [[/underlined]] - 100 Oncytelinae - 25 and 111 minute, Paederinae - 7 and 1, Xantholiminae - 1, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]] - 2, [[underlined]] Coproporus [[/underlined]] - 3, Lorinota - group - 13, other Aleocharinae - 1), 5 Carabids, 25 Hydrophilids, 1 Cocinellid, 1 Bostrychid, 4 Aphodiinae, 11 beetles.  Went to town to the Bull Line to arrange for the motorcycle. The SS Mary will be in Christiansted tomorrow, so I arranged with Merwin's to have a truck stop for the motor to take it across. After lunch the agent phoned to say that the boat was coming to Fredericksted. That will make it much easier.
[[left margin]] XI-2-36 [[/left margin]] At nine o'clock coasted and pushed the motor down to the pier. Filled out six blanks at the Customs House, and the loaded the motor (with spare wheel tied alongside into the lighter. I went out with them and saw that it was properly loaded on the Mary. She is a messy tub!
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[[preprinted]] 39 [[/preprinted]]
Got back in time for lunch. After an early tea we drove to Christiansted with Miss Fleming. Shopped around and stopped for ice cream. Saw Beatty, - he's coming across in the morning. On the way home we stopped at the Ag. Exp. Station. Mr. Olson was there. He worked on our radio, but wouldn't take any payment. 
[left margin]] XII-3-36 [[/left margin]]
In the morning Beatty came by. There had been several cases of malaria in one district, and he was looking for mosquitoes. He says they were Puerto Ricans - probably came over with it their blood. He brought us a large sea urchin, oblong and very concave beneath, - sort of a sand-dollar bloated and hanging down at the sides.  
Last night when we got home we found two large Riker mounts on our table. One had a 2 1/4 inch Scarab, and the other a large tailless whip-scorpion. There was also a note from a Mr. Norris N. Nichols, (director??) of the Ag. Exp. Station. He asked that I identify the specimens and call or phone. Beatty says he has the name of the whip-scorpion, so I'll refer Norris to him. The Scarab, Beatty has never seen here before, and doubts if it's St. Crucian? at all. Spent the rest of the day packing four boxes of [[underlined]] junk [[/underlined]] to send home.  

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