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60 Puerot Rico 18. 

After lunch went collecting along a by-road south of Bayamon.  This is the same road that Mills took me along last year. 

[[underline]] Station 353 [[/underline]]
About 10 kilometers south of Bayamon (by road). 
a. From under stones along a stream took 2 Aleo-charinae. b. From dung took 305 Staphs ([[underline]] Anyselus [[/underline]]-274, [[underline]] Platystethus [[/underline]]-1, Paederinae- 2 and 8, Xantho-lininae-6, [[underline]] Philonthus [[/underline]] -9, Aleocharinae-5), 133 Hydrophilidae, 150 Sphaeridiinae, 2 Histerids, 47 [[underline]] Aphodius [[/underline]], and 21 other coleoptera, etc. 

This was about the end of the road, which is unpaved but in good condition.  It is a relief after the busy main roads and the type of Puerto Ricans who infest them. 

We had dinner in our room and went to bed early. 

XII-25-36 Christmas Day.  I had planned to go to Mayaquez in spite of the holiday, but decided not to. Reasons: (1) Didn't know how to find Danforth; (2) weather was threatening; and (3) Ruth rather wanted me to stay home.  The weather did its best to justify itself,-raining several times in the morning, and staying unsettled all day.  I hope I don't miss Danforth, after all this delay. 

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We had decided not to give each other any gifts, or at least not to exceed one dollar.  So I gave Ruth a bottle of Coty's Paris perfume that she had wanted (and a bathrobe delivered weeks ago), and she gave me a new typewriter ribbon, some thumb tacks, a bottle of Fitch's shampoo, and a copy of Astounding Stories.  From the money sent us by the Mac Coy's I have already ordered some books from Sherman, and we have planned to pay for a trip up El Yunque. 

We spent the morning check over Ruth's stamps, and most of the afternoon I read to Ruth, as she wasn't feeling very well.  We had dinner at the Miramar (good turkey!) and went to bed early to get an early start tomorrow. 

XII-26-36 Managed to get away by 7:30, just as the sun was rising.  The first hour the scenery was exception-ally fine, with thin streamers of clouds across the sky, and I was again impressed by the small rocky hills that rise in clusters from the cave-cornered lowlands.  These are erosion remnants of limestone, and full of caves.  One had a hole clear through.  I followed the same route as last year, through Bayamon, Vega Alta, Vega Baja, Manati Arecido, Camuy, Quebradillas, Isabela, and Aquadilla, arriving at Mayaquez in 4 hours.