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76 Puerto Rico 34.

Our last whole day in Puerto Rico. I went to town to arrange with Behn Bros. about going aboard to Kingshohn. I left our forwarding address at the post office and got a batch of mail that was sent before Christmas. One was from Harry Beatty, the Jamaica Auto Ass'n, etc.
After lunch I took the motor to bailey's and left the spare parts and tools. Mrs. Bailey says it won't be any trouble, sand she will try to sell it for whatever they can be gotten.
Spent the rest of the day packing. Sent off a box and 1 alcohol tank of specimens by Express.
Finished the packing in the morning. The truck came for the baggage at eleven-thirty, - Mr. Antmeyer had arranged for it, and we went down to the bus. When we got to the pier we were told that the boat hadn't even come into the harbour but had gone to St. Thomas instead. Behn Bros. office was closed. We phoned Mr. Gonzalez; he said he had tried to reach us by phone earlier in the morning, but that now nothing could be done till tomorrow morning. We went back to the Alimpo Court with the baggage, and had lunch at the Miamar. Then I set out to find the Behn's. Both of the

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brothers are abroad, and the treasurer was away for the day. So I had to give it up.
At four o'clock we went to town on the bus, had some ice cream for tea, and walked around a bit. Came home by the streetcar,via Condado and the long route around.
For dinner we went down to the Aquarium, thereby saving enough for a movie - The General Died at Dawn. It was rather good.
This is really the first bit of trouble we've had with the boat on the trip. We might have been forewarned, since we had heard that this boat did this same thing last trip. If we had known early enough, they could have put us ones to St. Thomas by plane to catch the boat there.
Went to town early - to Mr. Richardson's office (Oficina de Turcimo) where I was told that the Kingshohn was coming back - to Behn Bros. where I walked while the cabled St. Thomas. The answer said that the boat had left for Trinidad last night - so office of Mr. Thompson who thought we were entitled to expenses till we leave - to customs House to find Mr. Richardson - back to Tourist Bureau to write application for refund - to Behn Bros. where I found that the whole

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