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[[stamped]] 78 [[/stamp]] Puerto Rico 36.

trouble was caused by a late telegram - got money refunded - to Pan-American Airways to make reservations on plane, leaving Wednesday-13th - then home. After lunch went to office of Mr. Bennett (Immigration Inspector) to get a certificate [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] stating I'm a Federal employee so can get 25% reduction in plane fare - referred to the executive Secretary, representative of Secy. of State in Washington - to La Fortaleza where found the Sec'y away but Mr. [[M ?]] Ashford acting. He was exceedingly kind, dictated the necessary letter, and took me in to meet the acting governor - Menendez Ramos. He is a Puerto Rican, - I forgot to tell him that we met his sister-in-law I St. Croix - to the PAA again to see if reservations verified from Miami office. Was told  no reservations but a chance still. Next plane is the 20th. - Tried to get the Puerto Rican Express to ship our baggage to Jamaica - not interested. This will be or biggest problem as the plane can't take our truck and the Horn Line boat sails on the 2nd of February.
   After dinner we went to a movie - it was Sing Baby Sing. Better than I expected.
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[[stamped]] 79 [[/stamp]]

[[margin]] I-12-37 [[/margin]] Went down early to the PAA. They had not yet heard further about the reservations. Got some wrapping materials and came to pack things to send to Jamaica and Washington in order to lessen the baggage we must take by plane. At noon they still hadn't heard. At 3 o'clock Ruth and I went down to mail five parcels (4 mailing tubes) to Jamaica ($2.52). There was a large tourist boat in - the Statendam, we think. Since the PAA still had no word, we made reservations for the plane on the 20th.
   At dinner time we went to town again to eat at the Aquarium. Even including the bus fares we saved 45 cents.
[[margin]] I-13-37 [[/margin]] It looks as though it might be hard to keep amused this week. I thought perhaps the library at the Rio Piedras Experiment Station had some books on entomology, so we rode out there to see. Wolcott had left for Brasil, but Otero, the librarian, was quite helpful. All the entomology books are in Wolcott's office, and they include complete sets of several periodicals. I decided to come back later when I can spend more time. It will at least help to pass the time.