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[[stamped]] 80 [[/stamp]] Puerto Rico 38.

   We spent the afternoon unpacking and rearranging so that we can send the trunk home instead of to Jamaica. After dinner we went to a movie, - say We went to College.
[[margin]] I-14-37 [[/margin]] More packing and planning. I got out the microscope and the bottle of Staphs taken from fungus at Mayaguez (page 74), and spent several hours counting them. There were at least five species and 398 specimens. this is more than twice as many as the next largest catch, and brings the totals to 5700 and 28,400.
   We went to the Pan-American Airways office and found we have a reservation on the 20th. Also, if we buy tickets from here to Kingston (total expense $156.00) [[underline]] and [[/underline]] from Kingston to Miami (total expense $215.00), we are allowed 88 pounds of baggage instead of 66. This saves us about $10. As the fare on the Columbian Line is $135 apiece from Kingston to New York, the plane is practically no more expensive (to Washington).
   Drew the map of Jamaica on page 113.
[[margin]] I-15-37 [[/margin]] Went to town again, chiefly to help pass the time. Ruth did some errands and I went to the P.A.A. We had decided to take the through ticket to Miami. I was told however that the letter I got from Mr. Ashford was not sufficient to get us the
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[[stamped]] 81 [[/stamp]]

government discount of 25%. However, they seem certain that a refund will be easy to get if we can later prove we're entitled to it. I didn't have enough money for the full rate.
   I went to arrange for the shipment of the trunk to Washington, as we can't take it by plane. I spent some time going over the indexes for these journals, so they'll be all ready for putting in vol. VII.
   Mr. McDermott, the manager of the Miramar Tavern, was rather seriously hurt trying to bring a child down from the Boy Scout Camp on El Yunque. The mud was so deep he scarcely got out. His back is sprained and he can scarcely get out of bed. We had heard that El Yunque had over 40 inches of rain that one rainy week, and the highway was completely washed away for some distance. Mr. McDermott's mother has offered to take us up there if it stops raining.
[[margin]] I-16-37 [[/margin]] Spent most of the day on the indexes. They were much in need of segregation, etc. Went to town and got our tickets, and we now find ourselves nearly broke. We will just be able to get along in Jamaica (perhaps!) if we cash one of our own checks for all there is in our account - about $225. The refund is partly to blame, - and high living costs here.
   Navy party at the Miramar for dinner.