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Alex Haley
13 Rue Du Dr. M. Provencal
06 Haut de Cagnes, A.M, France

January 17, 1968

Dear Jimmy:

Damn typewriter's little golf-ball doesn't strike the characters quite hard enough against the paper; gives appearance of a weak ribbon. So you'll just have to bear with it, and peer closely.

As I said, am dropping you a note, now, for both of our planning purposes, for interviewing. (Even so, I feel sensitive about using up even a day of that time [underlined] for you; that's time [underlined] 's a bitch—really, it's all we've got. Only compensations that I can think of existing are two: next to time, we have nothing more valuable than whatever, if positive, is our widespread public image; and the particular Playboy audience, especially with the timing, probably cannot be matched [underlined] for doing good for yourself and your book, "Tell Me How Long The Train's Been Gone," which then will just be coming out[..] for here are over four million maximum book-reading and -buying readers; and I'll make damn sure that both the introduction and the interview subtly hypo the book-interest, you know? And then, reason two, with this same special, damn big audience, you with your material, and secondarily me, working with your material, can articulate eloquently The Cause, and the Reasons, and whatever appear to be the avenues for "Solution"—anyway, for Hope. All of which, God knows, The Man sorely needs to know. Especially about that time of the summer, when things damn surely will have happened to have more exclaiming such as the cliche "What do they want [underlined]?"

Anyway, here's what I've figured out, Jimmy. I'm going to arrive in London sometimes during the day the Friday the 26th. [Added:] We'll call, and Friday p.m. will pop in for conviviality a little while, then will turn in at hotel. We've agreed that we can knock off the bulk in a full working day, then clean up needed details in maybe three-four hours the next day. If it's okay with you, I hope we can work all Saturday, then mop-up Sunday.

Thing is, I'll be squeezed from the other end. After London, I'm going to hop over to Glasgow for a day (incredibly, I've located [underlined] there: vital information clarifying forebear "Chicken George") (who was sent abroad to fight cocks in the 1850's); and thence a day in Dublin. There I'm going to visit the Chief Herald of Ireland—have him put his seal of approval on my depth Irish research—those particular forebears. Point here is that the U.S. descendants, [underlined] if they raise any dust, I want to have available the capper that not only have I done the research, and had the aid of a hired professional Irish genealogist, but I have personally checked it out with the Irish Chief Herald, genealogically the ultimate office! Dig, baby? I know you do. (Then I've got to make tracks for the U.S.)

Enjoyed your visit here. The rapport, it's beautiful! Tell you what re the above time-proposals for the interview: if I don't hear from you, then I will assume it meets with your okay. Okay?

If you have a minute, drop me a note, anyway. [Signed] Love to all!

All best:

[Signed] Alex