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plete make-up plan for prettier exposures. It starts with a virtually waterproof veil of foundation to the plunging depths, finished off with a pink powder rouge to fetch a pretty, and justified, blush to the upper curves where a beauty mark is added. (A little racy, but undeniably attractive.)

a dry story...
A prune isn't necessarily an old plum, merely a dried one. And with skin so perishable in the winter, you'd think more of us would prevent it rather than wait until spring for repairs. Even at this stage, though, a body cased in tight, parched skin can scarcely do better by itself than in baths silkened with Polyderm Bath Oil. This uncommon smoother is a recent development at Prince Matchabelli, owns the same polyunsaturate restorative abilities as the famous Polyderm Cream. (If you already use this on your face and neck you should need no further recommendation to slide into a tub delivering the same goodies in an allover way.)
Use three capfuls, and don't forget to submerge to shoulder level for a minute before climbing out. There, now, isn't that better? And for the first few days you might even apply a P.S. application as a body-rub. It can make everything supple and moist just that much faster. 

a very special spectacle...
About as special as spectacles can get, the stylish little oblong frames you see sketched. They don't jab their way ruinously into a smooth hairdo. The side bars (a mere mite over three inches long) are shortened to stop, and then cling, at the temples. Very neat.
They're not only fine for popping on and off at the theatre and during shopping, but sheer bliss for the long drag at the hairdresser (where I go wild with impatience if I can't read).


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The midget bars stay clear of sticky haircoloring concoctions and, later on, of the big rigid rollers or clips that block the entry of regulation side pieces.
Lugene, at 38 E 57, NYC, 22, does these tiny frames in all sorts of shapes and shades, from about $15 - of course, as with any frames, they fit them to the face.

hello, ear...
There is now a make-up specifically for ears. Oh yes there is, Pussycat, and you're not laughing any more than I did on hearing this news. Nothing could sound more ridiculously specialized. But once I had it on, I liked it. Not only that, it stopped seeming silly.
After all, the ear is certainly a part of the face. The average well-painted face has about eleven Things put upon it. So why (prithee) should its ears have to hang around all naked? Especially if they show.
The name of the new enticement is, logically, I suppose, Dear Ear. And when you smooth a morsel of it on the lobe, carry it up the outer edge, the ear starts looking all opalescent and pinkish and appreciated, a pearly shell indeed. So there you are, with an extra pretty feature. Two, but actual count.
Maradel expects to have Dear Ear on counters some time in May. Meantime, I'm using my advance sample, still giggling a little, but still liking the way it looks

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[[image: drawing of chair]]
Don't make a single decision until you see United States Rubber's 
One World of Design
at the Pavilion of American Interiors at the World's Fair

There's a whole wonderful world of carefree new fabrics, wall coverings, carpeting and cushioning waiting for you to see at our World's Fair exhibit. Among them:

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NAUGAHYDE [[image: trademark symbol]] UPHOLSTERY
...soft, supple, richly textured...the world's finest vinyl fabric. See the complete Naugahyde line...more than 600 different patterns, colors and textures.

KOYLON [[image: trademark symbol]] LATEX FOAM RUBBER
...the most luxurious and long-lasting material for seating and sleeping comfort. Discover Koylon...the world's first truly modern mattress.

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NAUGAHYDE [[image: trademark symbol]] WALL COVERING
...a brand-new fabric-backed vinyl in a variety of richly textured patterns, all in a wide choice of colors.

ROYAL VINYL CARPETING...a revolutionary new floor covering for indoor-outdoor use. Available in clear colors and rich, tweedy-textured combinations.

"U.S." RUG UNDERLAY...superior cushioning that adds not only richness but longer wear to all carpeting.

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Rockefeller Center, New York 20, N.Y.