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[[Letterhead]] HOWARD UNIVERSITY From OFFICE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS HOWARD UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON 1, D.C. OTTO McCLARRIN, Director Home Telephone: RAndolph 6-1765 DUpont 7-6100 Extensions 541, 542, 572, 573 NEWS **** [[/Letterhead]] Release No. 55/76 FOR RELEASE: 5-6-55 Ernest E. Goodman, Writer Home Telephone: HObart 2-3672 HOWARD PLAYERS TO BE SEEN IN PREMIERE PERFORMANCE OF BALDWIN'S "THE AMEN CORNER" [[line]] New Work By Young Negro Playwright To Run May 11-14 At Howard's Spaulding Hall [[line]] WASHINGTON, D.C. ---- The Howard (University) Players will be seen in the premiere performance of James Baldwin's "The Amen Corner" Wednesday, May 11th, through Saturday, May 14th, at the Little Theatre in Spaulding Hall on the Howard campus. Curtain time for each performance is 8:30 p.m. Owen Dodson, associate professor of drama, will direct the three act drama. Scenery has been designed by Leon West, and lighting by Thomas Unthank. Heading the cast of 16 are Mildred Ellis, Arthur Aveillhe, Joseph Walker, Hazel Swann, Eddie Marcus, and Shirlee Patterson. According to Professor Dodson, the play is the story of a female store-front church preacher who plans to set up a chain of such churches throughout the country. Sister Margaret, who has parishes in Harlem and Philadelphia, is about to expand the chain when her estranged husband returns after 10 years. A former jazz musician, the husband is critically ill as a result of his vices during the separation. Sister Margaret's son, who is also a musician, has taken to drink and other vices, and gives indications of following in his father's footsteps. On observing the behavior of the two men the parishioners question the right of Sister Margaret to lead them. Their revolt against her leads to an exciting climax. (MORE)
Transcription Notes:
See handwritten notes from reverse side of this page (at page 101 of this collection)