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               October List
[[Each number in the lists has a tick mark next to it.]]
Jno R Mastin 1               T.E Davis 6.11
W D. Stone 1.2.5             Jno. K. Bennett 6.10
Geo D Odineal 1.6            W.C. Bennett 6
E.C. Murphy 1.3.9            Wiley Woody 6
Jas. S. Witcher 1.3          James Woody 6
Thos. O Bernard 2.6          D.C. Edwards Sr
W. H. Edwards 2.4.6          Samuel Smith 7.8
Francis Graves 2.5           Mary F. Booth 7
D. C. Witcher 2              Wilsey A Drewry 8
Wm. Dowell 2.4               Chas. R. Hancock 9
C. S. Dowell        Jno R. Ziegler 9
M. J. Newbell 3              James A Wheeler 9
E.K. Haynes        W. M. Sutherland 9
C. H Hancock 3.5             J. A. Matthews 9
Jno. C. Law 3                R. C. James 10.11
Jas. C. Stone 3              Green A Jefferson 10
Jno B Henry 4.8              [[strikethrough]] J Kel
                             Jno Ashworth 11   
Jno. G. Witcher 4            B. A. James 11
Jos D Hank 4                 W. J. Lynch 11              
D. C. Edwards Jnr   E. K. James 3            
M. A Newbell 4
Jno Mattox 4
D. W. Blunt 5
[[strikethrough]] Chas. A. Dowell 5.10 [[/strikethrough]]
G. W. Blankenship 5
J. T. McCrickard 5.6
Ro B Rives 5
Jas M Davis 5
[[Computations at bottom of page are written upside down.]]
        399.02     261.26 
        249.65     209.22
        483.11    --------
       --------    470.48