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on record.
  In woods middle of afternoon Chewinks in woods- Brown Creepers, Kinglets, Titmice + Chickadees.
In undergrowth between big Maple Bend + R.R. track I heard a [[underline]] Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher [[/underline]] calling. Had Susan with me, as couldn't locate him. Several Phoebes. White Throated Sparrows.

April 16, Sunday
  To Woods with Susan again. At [[strike]] park [[/strike]] Picnic area where once the Jacks-in-Pulpits grew, near the stream + R.R. track, we found the Gnatcatcher, feeding very tamely within 10 feet of us. Another called nearby. Broadwinged Hawk. Phoebes, Kinglets, Creepers, Chewinks. [[underline]] 2 Hermit Thrushes [[/underline]] across stream from Gnatcatcher- one sat quietly for 5 minutes while I watched.