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flew across the track in the direction taken by another bird which may have been a second Vireo. Went up stream side path toward Gravel-pit area,(now Apartments) and found male [[underline]] Black-and-White Warbler [[/underline]] singing gaily along ravine up to open fields. He stayed within 10 feet of ground, several times going on ground. A male Ruby-Crowned Kinglet was here also, and Titmice and Chickadees. Along the stream-side path an [[underline]] Oven-Bird [[/underline]] hopped through the bushes and on the ground, and a Louisiana Water Thrush called and flitted about near the Black + White Warbler. All morning a Kingfisher rattled up and down Lubber Run. Twice a Broad-Winged Hawk flew over, once pursued by a Crow. Doubled back to Jack-in-Pulpit area and up to tracks. A Gnatcatcher