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[[underline]] 1950 [[/underline]]

called, and Kinglets sang, also Goldfinches sang and called. On a hickory opposite the high clay banks along the track, a very pale female [[underline]] Sapsucker [[/underline]] circled about 25-30 feet up, digging out an old row of sap holes almost completely circling the tree. The "scar-lips" about the holes were perhaps 3/4" high. When I returned later she was going from hole to hole, systematically probing for sap, then flew to another hickory nearby where the scar tissue above and below the ring of holes [[strikethrough]] whic [[/strikethrough]] was piled 1" to 1 1/2" high. These apparently had been renewed, as she probed quickly for sap, then sent to a small 1" limb and probed a small, fresh hold, then on to other freshly-bored holes on the small limbs, occasionally calling. Forgot to mention one