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on the little hillside near path up to former parking place. One afternoon drive, we saw a [[underline]] Kingbird [[/underline]] near Fairfax Golf & Country Club. 
     In addition to 10 new arrivals, saw these: several Red-Eyed Vireos, Bl. Throated Green Warblers, Wood Thrushes, 2 or 3 Crested Flycatchers, 2 Catbirds opposite Dark Pool, 2 Broad Winged Hawks in same area, cruising tamely about and alighting on trees beside tracks; many White-Throated Sparrows, many Myrtle Warblers, several Black & White Warblers (incl. 1 [[female symbol]]); Flock of Purple Finches opposite Lookout Point; Barn Swallow, Swifts, Kingfisher, Chipping Sparrows (seen in great numbers on afternoon drive), many Cowbirds in woods, several Ruby-Cr. Kinglets, many Goldfinches, Juncos, many Towhees, no. of Hooded Warblers, Gnatcatchers, 1 male Redstart; one male Black Throated Green Warbler with a