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[[underline]] 1950 [[underline]]

of Cowbirds; 2 Veerys along Lubber Run near "Sitting Rock", One Hermit Thrush up streamside path, many Fowlers, Mourning Doves calling (saw two flying together), Flickers, 1 Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Downise, 2 Gnatcatchers, Juncos, No. of Wood Thrushes.

May 1, 1950 - Monday 6:15-9:00
  Rather chilly this A.M., overcast at first, clearing and bright later. Intermittent rains yesterday, mostly drizzles of varying degrees, and rain almost all night, harder than during day, East wind during night.

  On path along top of hill, near old Red House, at least two [[underline]] Warbling Vireos. [[underline]] Makes me wonder how often I've not even looked these up, thinking I was hearing a softened Red-eye