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feathers. Short stumpy tail turned down. He was standing on his toe-tips each time I was in a position to see his feet- toes were quite long. I went up on the R.R. tracks [[insert]]^ later [[/insert]] and out on the trestle, giving me perhaps 30 feet more elevation, and together with the long viewing angle gave me further good views of the bird, including being able to see daylight under the bird and observe its legs, etc. It was in the same spot when I came back by about 8:15, and watched him for a few minutes. Along the path about half-way from J-in-P clearing to G.W. Marker, I found two [[underline]] Olive-Backed Thrushes [[/underline]], later saw a few more, perhaps half-dozen in all. Here too I heard a little song and found a [[underline]] Golden Winged Warbler [[/underline]] feeding very actively- but no more so