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[[underline]] 1950 [[/underline]]

May 8, 1950 - Monday.

     Brilliant clear day - quite cool in A.M. In high 40's, but breeze made it seem cooler, also kept young leaves in constant motion. Humidity, down to 27ยบ this A.M.
     Didn't wake up until 6:15 - away to woods at 6:30-6:35. Entered from Lee Blvd. & went up path paralleling Lee Blvd. toward new Houses where I saw so many birds yesterday - incl. the Nashville W. Only a few birds in tree tops here today - bathed in bright golden early sunlight.
     First located three Cape Mays high in tree tops - along with Myrtles. Olive - Backed Thrushes all about - in fact abundant everywhere throughout the woods, calling "puk! puk!" often, and again one singing softly.
     Many Myrtle Warblers everywhere also a no. of Wood Thrushes, etc. Kentucky Warbler called ^ [[insertion]] & sang [[/insertion]] up ravine at Glen Carlyn, later another up

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