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[[underlined]] 1950 [[/underlined]]

May 9 - Tuesday - 6:30 - 9:00a.m.
Brilliant chilly morning - in high 30's, I believe. Entered from Lee Blvd. Located male [[underline scratched out]] Bay-Breasted Warbler [[/underline scratched out]] high in white oak up near new houses in Glen. Carlyn. Watched him for 5 minutes or so, in bright light, enjoying the fine view of this comparatively rare (for me) bird. Thought I heard a Blackburnian W. singing here, but could not locate to make identiy positive - thought same near Lookout Point, but again no luck. Found one Golden-Winged Warbler, apparently a male, from dark coloring; also I heard a Blue Winged Warbler singing repeatedly.
     I saw 10-20 Black-Throated Blues (all but one, males), heard several more singing. [[strikethrough]] Several [[/strikethrough]] 8-10 Black-Throated Greens, 10-15 Chestnut Sided Warblers, all males; many Myrtle Warblers throughout

Transcription Notes:
Abbreviation for identify in first paragraph should be identif. not identiy. one letter is too little not to mark complete