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woods. Saw & heard 2 - 3 Black-Poll Warblers. And everywhere there were Olive-Backed Thrushes. Throughout the rectangular area of possibly two miles, [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] I was never out of sight of one or several of them, or out of hearing of the rich "puk-puk" calls. I checked every one I could, but saw only one which might [[underline]] possibly [[/underline]] be a Gray-Cheeked Thrush - finally, in shaft of [[underline]] bright [[/underline]] light decided it was another Olive-Back. 
     Heard two or three Kentucky Warblers; saw and heard 4 - 6 Hooded Warblers, 1 male Canada Warbler, 1 male Redstart, one male Magnolia Warbler near twin tulip trees, between them & Dark Pool. Here I met a Mr. Hoover, who said he saw a Pied-Billed Grebe struggling violently in western end of Dark Pool a few days ago; thrashed & struggled length