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May 14, 1950 - Sunday - Mother's Day.
Got breakfast for Claire - being Mother's Day - so didn't get to woods until about 9:30 a. m. - then had Susan with me, so didn't see much.
[[underline]] Many [[/underline]] Olive-Backed Thrushes - Parulas, Many White-Throated Sparrows, Chestnut-Sided Warblers, Magnolia W. (1) heard several Black-Throated Green, also Black-Throated Blue Warblers; one Cape May W., heard several (2-4) Black-Polls singing, no. of oven-birds, 3-4 Kentucky Warblers; Hooded Warblers, Redstarts, Maryland Yellowthroats, Tanagers, etc. Saw Male Indigo Bunting at first picnic area, near fountain - showed him to Susan within 10-15 feet of us. For first time Susan was able to drink from fountain without being lifted up - [[underline]] growing up! [[/underline]]