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May 15, 1950 - Monday -
Didn't get to woods today - rain almost entire day, then spent much time checking Pine Ridge, Oakton school, etc.
At Pine Ridge house, Chipping Sparrow made many trips to + from nest in Pfitzer Juniper outside door. Saw several Male Scarlet Tanagers on trip.

May 16, 1950 - Tuesday.
To woods - arriving about 6:25 a.m. - returning about 9:00. After rain almost all day yesterday & almost all night, there was still an almost imperceptible mist this morning. Heaviest overcast yet - for quite a while after entering woods it seemed as dark as about 4:30 a.m. or so. Wood Thrush sang with most unusual song near new houses in Glen Carlyn, near Lee Blvd. - sounded very [[underline]] slightly [[/underline]] similar to Olive-Backed Thrush, which was singing softly