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nearby. The Wood Thrush sang many times as I watched. Located a Blackburnian singing here, also what I thought might be a Golden-Winged Warbler from song and appearance, but light so bad I couldn't be sure.
During trip saw these: Broad-Winged Hawk (2), Cuckoos (saw two, couldn't get glasses on either to identify. One near where Hoover and I saw Black-Billed, another flew from Brewster Warbler area to tops of tall trees above Jack-in-Pulpit clearing. Saw him several times, but couldn't get in glasses); many Chimney Swifts, Humming-birds (2), Red-Billed Woodpecker (1), Phoebes; Acadian Flycatcher, Least Flycatcher(?), many Jays, Crows, Titmice, Carolina Wren (1 singing within 15 feet as I stood in dark woods at 6:30), Catbirds (several), Wood Thrushes, Many Olive-Backed, small flock of Cedar Waxwings, several Red-Eyed Vireos, Parula