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many Towhees, no. of White-Throated Sparrows (but fewer than recently). In fact, throughout the entire woods, there was much less bird life than usual. Met Hoover yesterday, who commented on same thing.
White-Eyed Vireo (1) [[underline]] Four [[/underline]] Olive-Backed Thrushes singing during walk.

May 18, 1950 - Thursday
Jessie and Susan leaving for Michigan late this afternoon, so didn't go to woods. Saw Cowbirds at home, and Hummingbird. Real "Cloudburst" on way home from Station about 7:15 P.M.

[[underline]] May 19, 1950 [[/underline]] Friday
Awoke at 6:00 a.m. - dark, heavily overcast- decided no point in going out until later got up about 7:10 a.m. & got dressed - a drizzle had started. Had breakfast and got away about 8:20 a.m. Still heavily overcast, light very [[strikethrough]] birds [[/strikethrough]] bad - birds in trees again were mere silhouettes.