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business at bank, etc (10:30)

Wonderful atmosphere in woods, air clear, brilliant sunshine, very gentle breeze, fragrant air. Birds rather scarce, except for Blackpolls, which were heard all through woods at all times. 

Saw and/or heard these: 
Broadwing(heard!), Swifts(few), Ruby Throated Hummingbirds(2 - one male near Dark Pool lit on a small bush about 18m above ground & 5 feet from me, facing me) , Hairy Woodpecker(male near Lookout Pt.,very noisy),Red Bellied atop very tall tulip tree with dead stub, near Dark Pool, Kingbirds(2), Crested Flycatcher(2), Empidonax (2 - Acadian?) , Peewee(1-2), Barn Swallows(few), Jays, Crows , Titmice,  Catbirds (4-6), Wood Thrushes(2-3), Olive Backed Thrush(one singing rather loudly near Lookout Point), Yellow Throated Vireo( 2 at Lee Blvd. bridge, 2 near G.W Survey