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hitched up a warp, then flew. Saw one Grey-Cheeked Thrush, and one other which [[underline]] appeared [[/underline]] to be an Olive -Backed, but the light was not good enough to be sure. Caught glimpses of 2 others. Saw Cardinals + Song Sparrows, and Killdeers called overhead.

October 20, Friday
Went out with Susan about 3:45- left woods again [[smear]] at about 5:00 P.M. Saw a [[underline]] Hermit Thrush [[/underline]], close up, at 4:30 P.M. Nothing else worthy of note today.

October 21, Saturday
Saw one Yellow-Palm Warbler close up, twitching tail and calling; also both types Kinglets, Brown Creeper (1), several Myrtle Warblers, many Red-Wings flying over,