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April 1, 19521-Sunday
 Returned from Cincinatti this morning. Left here last Monday night, arriving there Tuesday a.m. Beautiful day in D.C. Didn't get to woods until early afternoon. Saw three Phoebes, one Myrtle Warbler, 15 or 16 Cedar Waxwings, Winter Wren, Carolina Wrens (2), and several [[underline]] Towhees [[/underline]] Forgot to say that I heard the first one of the season singing ludly at the N.W. corner of Lee Blvd + Glebe Road, as I got off the bus at 9:00 a.m. Star Magnolias in full bloom.
April 2, 1951-Mon.
 Staying home a few days to cure up head cold.
   Saw one [[underline]] Myrtle Warbler [[/underline]] up Glen Carlyn ravine, by little bridges, One [[underline]] White-Crowned Sparrow [[/underline]] may have been here. Unusual amount of white + black of a White Throat. Couldn't be certain.